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Mining Companies
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The Rabbit Lake operation, which opened in 1975, is the longest operating uranium production facility in North America, and the second largest uranium mill in the world
Sabina Gold & Silver Corp., a junior exploration company, focuses on the acquisition, exploration, and development of mineral resource properties in Canada.
Scorpio Mining is a silver producer operating in Mexico with significant base metal by-product credits. The Nuestra Señora operation generates strong operational cash flow to support future financing requirements.   The Company remains focused on growth through advancing its nearby development projects to production...
Silvercorp is a low-cost silver-producing Canadian mining company with multiple mines in China which has paid a cash dividend since 2007. The Company is currently developing the GC project in southern China which it expects will become its next operating mine.
SilverCrest Mines Inc. (TSX‐V: SVL; NYSE MKT: SVLC) is a Canadian precious metals producer headquartered in Vancouver, BC. SilverCrest’s flagship property is the 100%‐owned Santa Elena Mine, located 150 km northeast of Hermosillo, near Banamichi in the State of Sonora, México. The mine is a high‐grade, epithermal silver and gold...
The Spring Creek Mine is located in Montana approximately 35 miles north of Sheridan, Wyoming. The mine extracts thermal coal from the Anderson-Dietz Seam, which averages approximately 80 feet in thickness.
Syncrude is one of the largest producers of crude oil from Canada's oil sands. We operate a large oil sand mine, utilities plant, bitumen extraction plant and upgrading facility that processes bitumen and produces value-added light, sweet crude oil for domestic consumption and export. We call our product Syncrude Crude Oil
Transition Metals is a multi-commodity mineral exploration company that focuses on the discovery of ore deposits in Canada using the project-generator business model. The company has 30 highly prospective early stage properties encompassing roughly 2,000 km2 in Canada.
Tri-Star Resources Plc is an independent mining company which is quoted on the AIM market of the London Stock . Ticker: TSTR:LN. Our strategy is to be the western world’s leading integrated miner, producer and marketer of antimony metal and antimony tri-oxide products.
Yamana is a Canadian-based gold producer with significant gold production, gold development stage properties, exploration properties, and land positions throughout the Americas including Brazil, Argentina, Chile and Mexico. Yamana plans to continue to build on this base through existing operating mine expansions, throughput increases,...